Copy and paste the following text in the old dma.html starting with the line
In Memory Of Those Who Have All Too Soon Left Us Behind
David Alcorn
Jimmy Arnold
Randy Ayala
Beverly Ann Baldwin
Robert Barrett
Lamar Baxley
Dave Bayhan
Wayne Beaman
Joyce Bean
Patricia Bell
Sandra Bennett
Maxie Benton
Rudy Benton
Pat Blade
John Booker
Michael Borja
Marcelle Boudet
Bobby Bowden
Larry Bradley
Lee Brayton
Carol Bregler
Barbara Bryant
Mary Bunny Bunting
Bobby Butler
Ronnie Butler
Jimmy Carling
John Carpender
Harold Carpenter
Norma Carter
Carmen Casal
Jimmy Cauley
Tommy Chancey
Margaret Clements
Linda Cooke
Frank (Bill) Cooper
George Coward
Peggy Craft
Sandra Dasher
Cameron DeCamp
Wesley Deeds
Judith DePoy
Al Dohany
Allene Douglass
Charles Eberhardt
Jack Eilertsen
James Elbon
Randy Fields
Calvin Fieleke
Elizabeth Ford
Thomas Ford
Leon Futch
Karl Geitner
Gerald Goldsmith
Ralph Gonzalez
Charlotte Goodman
Lester Gray
John Green
Wayne Green
Shirley Grimes
Marie Gursky
Judith Haas
Jack Hamelryck
Gene Hammack
Yvonne Harnage
Douglass Harwell
Bernie Haskins
Carl Hawkins
Timothy Herring
Ferrin Hicks
Ed Holley
Guerry Owen Holm
Steve Humphrey
Kenneth Hunt
Mary Hellen Jeffries
Melvin McRae Jett
Florence Johnson
Fred Johnson
Perry Ray Johnson
Fred Johnston
Ted Johnston
Annette Joiner
Arthur Jones
Wayne Jones
Susie Kain
David Lee Kelly
George Kistner
Evelyn Kitchens
Donald Knight
John Leroy
Mike Louizo
Elaine Lowdermilk
Leon McCall
Grady Melton
William Moody
Larry Morris
Trudy Mullinax
James Musso
Eddie Neel
Shirley Nicholson
Tom Osborne
Charles Page
Harrison Payne
Helen Perdicaris
Gene Phelps
Barbara Pollard
John Porte
Marcia Powell
Martha Randall
Janice Ray
Raymond Ray
James Rice
Marsa Rice
Barbara Richter
Barbara Robbins
Phillip Samson
Doug Sanford
Tommy Sealy
Roger Sherman
Terry Shirah
Marion Thomas Shurley
Sondra Sisk
Susan Smith
Royce Stephens
Bobby Surgeon
Travis Tate
Adrian Taylor
Maxine Taylor
James Tillman
Michael Tolle
Hugh Turbeville
Patsy Tuttle
Margaret Ann Tyler
Daniel Valentine
Rose Marie Varnadore
Emery Vitai
Robert Wagner
Lynn Walters
Judith Weeks
Patty Welch
Robert Wetherington
Harley White
Jerry Whitehead
Bill Wiechmann
Charlene Wierman
Jimmy Wilkinson
Helen Wills
Eugene Wilson
Donnie Jane Wilt